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Book the laboratory

Use the environment for your group

The laboratory environment is specially interesting for the exploration on social level. To give it a reasonable time frame and bring it in tune with natural rhythms we created the container of a Moon Cycle to allow a changing core group going deep on exploring a different human theme each time.

During most of the year we organize the Cycles, workshops and other events inside the laboratory. Find the whole range and the calendar in the section 'activity'.
Beside the self-organized events we also rent the entire space to interested groups or initiatives for celebrating their own work here, supported by members of our capacitated team, or under their fully self-created dynamics.

Please get in if you are interested in using the Ecovillage laboratory as....

You plan to initiate your own Ecovillage or community? You have a group already and look forward to purchasing a property together? We recommend that you live together some time beforehand, and find out if you are well prepared and found the right constellation, before spending huge amounts of money and even getting bank loans.
You live together as community and struggle on the challenges of daily life? Missing the spark of community spirit or a greater vision? Take time off as a community and work on your issues in a totally different environment.
In 2016 we had NextGEN renting our laboratory for 3 month. This is the youth organisation of the Global Ecovillage Network, consisting of Youngsters who grew up in ecovillages or who are attracted by living in an ecovillage one day. They used the space to further develop their ideas about Ecovillage living, in this neutral Ecovillage environment.
You have workshops to offer which fit well to natural living in partly challenging climate conditions? Wildlife courses, Manager training, Shamanism? It might be a perfect fit using our laboratory for one or several moon cycles during winter.