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When joining our Coliving you will get a private accommodation in our house, either a room with a balcony or a pod. Parallel you can also use the individual spaces in our Ecovillage laboratory. Read more
Agreements: Our community places a significant emphasis on a specific set of agreements that form the foundation of our human interactions. If you wish to join our community, you must commit wholeheartedly to our Agreements. We urge you to thoroughly read the detailed information provided to ensure a clear understanding of the principles that guide our community dynamics.
Alcohol: Moderate alcohol consumption is permitted at the Resonance Hub, our coliving house, where residents can enjoy local ecologic wine and beer provided on-site. However, in Valle de Sensaciones, our ecovillage laboratory and sanctuary, alcohol is generally not allowed. The unique atmosphere and communal vibe within Valle de Sensaciones necessitate a focus on mindful and intentional living. At the Resonance Hub, we embrace a responsible approach to alcohol use. If a community member's alcohol consumption begins to impact the collective harmony or the overall atmosphere in the house, we kindly request them to reduce their alcohol intake or, if necessary, to step out of the community.
Arrivaldays in our Coliving are limited to the very beginning of each cycle. If you join as a guest or in an event you will be able to arrive with more flexibility. You can get here by public buses, car/rental car or being catched by one of our friends. Read more
The closest Beaches are a 45 minutes drive away. There you find a beautiful nudist bay. To get there you need a car. Mostly some of the community members dispose of a car and trips are organized together. If not there is the option to pay one of our friends for providing transport.
In the coliving the bedding with all bedclothes is included in the rental fee.
All typical ingredients for the breakfast are available with free access in our kitchens. You are welcome to prepare your breakfast individually. But mostly the breakfast is enjoyed together. It is on the actual group to find out about the best timing and organize the preparation.
You can not join our coliving with children. In rare occations we might invite for events that are child friendly. But mostly children can also not enter Valle de Sensaciones, as the place is generally sex-positive.
Comfort: In many places and aspects of our coliving you will perceive a special comfort. Like the nets to chill in open space, the entire top floor lounge, the grass on the rooftop, the efficient central heating, the whirlpool, the shady places along the stream in the valley, etc.. But honestly, the environment lacks of "Babilon comfort" in other aspects, needing to heat the individual spaces of the valley with a wood burner, swimming in natural water which is not cristal clean, disposing of a limited number of showers, etc.. You are welcome to join if you are keen to enter a rural real-live experience of an experimental project, including the experience of facing challenges as a group. If not you better choose a different coliving giving preference to providing an experience of maximal comfort.
We have a little computer repair workshop in the nearby local town. He does a great job at amazingly low prices.
Communication is a central aspect when building our community. We expect and support you to speak about yourself and your processes with consciousness, honesty and openness. Also, you are expected to have a genuine interest in the words and expressions of others. Please make sure to be willing of entering this level of communication when applying to our project. Read more

Conflict: Within the Resonancia Community, we embrace the inevitability of conflict, recognizing it as an integral aspect of the learning process when engaging with a new human culture. Rather than shying away from conflict or overlooking its initial subtle signals, we actively allocate space in our communication to address minor daily conflicts. Our objective is to transform these conflicts into opportunities for understanding, empathy, and healing before they have the chance to escalate into more significant impacts on our sense of connection.

Members entering our community are expected to come with a genuine willingness to invest time and effort into these communal processes. By fostering an environment that encourages open communication and constructive resolution, we strive to cultivate a community where conflicts are viewed as opportunities for growth and strengthening our bonds rather than sources of division or discord.

We do not impose a daily rhythm on the community. It will be the result of the preferences of the group present in each cycle, and the resonance arising between the natural rhythms of all participants. Even the schedules given to the standard events, like whirlpool evening, movie night, etc. can be overwritten if the community decides so.
There are medical centers in both neighbour towns at 6 and 10 km. There you also find a few specialists, like dentists. A friend is running a nearby consultatory for Chinese medicine, and many practitioners of alternative medicine are found around the town of Orgiva at 45km.
We uphold a policy promoting minimal to no consumption of drugs within our community. Substances that significantly alter human consciousness and expression are generally not accepted. However, we make an exception for soft drugs such as marijuana, where moderate consumption is tolerated. It's crucial to note that if it is observed that an individual's connection, integration into the social context, or the atmosphere in community spaces is adversely affected by drug use, we may kindly request them to reduce their consumption or, if necessary, to step out of the community. Additionally, please be mindful that smoking is prohibited inside the house, on the roof terrace, and within the central confines of Valle de Sensaciones. This policy aims to maintain a healthy and considerate living environment for all community members.
We require a minimum commitment of two moon cycles, equivalent to nearly two calendar months, from individuals seeking to join our community. Reservations can be made for a maximum duration of six months at a time. While we welcome and appreciate extended participation, we emphasize that the member's ability to wholeheartedly engage and support the ongoing changes in community dynamics is paramount. It is essential that individuals with longer stays remain mindful not to establish a prioritization of personal interests based solely on the extraordinary duration of their residency, fostering an environment where everyone contributes equally to the communal experience.
All members of our Coliving community are welcome to receive guests, which can be hosted in Valle de Sensaciones, but not in the Resonance Hub. Guests need to consciously join our agreement field, contribute a fee for their stay, and their arrival might be limited to certain days. Read more
We are located in a very good Hiking area. There are beautiful small tracks in all directions, up mountains, along rivers, into canyons, or towards white Andalusian villages. With the possibility to reach the peaks of Sierra Nevada from where you see Marrocco on clear days, or even to the Mediterranean beaches.
We have fiber internet at 600 Mbps in our coliving, which is accessible through wifi in the entire house, and also by LAN cable in our coworking space. The wifi is also directed to the village bar opposite side and towards working tables we can set up in outdoor areas. There is no internet access in Valle de Sensaciones.
We take care to accommodate most food intolerances in our food supply and meal preparation. However, please be aware that for diets requiring ingredients with significantly increased costs, there may be a small additional fee. To ensure that we can address any challenges and assess potential additional costs, kindly document your dietary needs in the application form. This allows us to reach out to you proactively and work together to create a suitable and comfortable dining experience for you within the community.
As a sex-positive and non-judgmental community, we also embrace a kink-friendly environment. This means that we welcome diverse and unconventional desires and practices within an erotic context. It's important to note that while there is no expectation for everyone to actively participate in specific activities or dynamics, there may be moments where you become aware of other individuals' authentic erotic expressions. We encourage individuals to only join our project if they are comfortable navigating and respecting the wide range of erotic expressions present within our community, fostering an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding.
Our coliving community is bilingual English/Spanish. The held communication like talking stick circles is happening in English only. That's why a good level of English is needed. Still in our day by day, depending on the people present, Spanish might even be predominant. A good occasion to learn and practice Spanish language abilities.
We have a laundry service at a very good rate in the nearby town. You simply have to place your dirty clothes in therefor provided boxes of 11 or 22 liters, together with the corresponding fee, and they will be caught and returned perfectly clean and folded once a week.
As we are living in a remote rural area, there isn't a proper nightlife besides what we make happen. Still, that might be very vivid, depending on the vibe in the actual group. We have powerful music systems, as much in the Resonance Hub and in Valle de Sensaciones. While nights in the Resonance Hub are mainly dedicated to silence, in Valle de Sensaciones we often celebrate nights of dancing, drumming, bonfires, etc.. Achim is a DJ and loves to serve the longing for a party.
Our environment is clothing optional. Nudity is not expected, but is welcome in most places at any time. There can not be nudity in the communal kitchen, dining room and coworking space, of the Resonance Hub.
Payments always need to be made in advance, through our bank accounts (European, UK, or US account numbers), bitcoin, or in cash once you are here.
You can not bring Pets to our coliving house. Still, it might be possible to live with them in Valle de Sensaciones, please ask if this is of importance to you.
As we offer a non-judgemental and sex-positive environment, queer people are welcome to join. Sometimes there is even a focus on queer gatherings and events. But beyond this, we can not guarantee that you would find like-minded members in the community.
Our local bar offers a few dishes at a very low price, in addition to the amazing tapas that are served for free with your drink. Besides this, a variety of restaurants are at least 5 km away. They offer typical Spanish cuisine, abundant and reasonably priced. You can get a 3-course menu starting at 13€, with a drink included. Vegetarian dishes and ethical meat options like goat, wild boar, or deer are also available.
Even though our project focuses on hosting temporary living and experiences, we welcome like-minded people to settle in our local village and offer our support and future collaboration. There are many houses and plots of land available for sale at very low prices. However, before getting into details, we want to first experience a good connection and see a genuine interest in the local culture.